Taxonomic list T3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

nucleus diencephali

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Home page Home page of the taxonomy
Top level complexus anatomicus Short Extended
Level 2 substantia grisea systematis nervosi centralis Short Extended
Current level nucleus diencephali Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
nucleus diencephali
noyau du diencéphale
272352 11634
noyau de la matière grise de la prétectum
noyau de la matière grise de la calotte prérouge
noyau de la matière grise de l'épithalamus
noyau de la matière grise du thalamus
noyau de la matière grise de la préthalamus
258760 11625
noyau de la matière grise du sousthalamus
noyau de la matière grise de l'hypothalamus
noyau de l'aire préoptique
9 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 11623
Sublist 1 8623 nucleus areae preopticae 19/8 on 1.12.2018
Sublist 2 11624 nucleus substantiae griseae hypothalami 54/19 on 1.12.2018
Sublist 3 11625 nucleus substantiae griseae subthalami 6/3 on 1.12.2018
Sublist 4 11626 nucleus substantiae griseae prethalami 16/7 on 1.12.2018
Invalid signature 2568 (stored value 10362)
Error in sublist Found children 13 Found units 6
Sublist 5 11627 nucleus substantiae griseae thalami 117/50 on 1.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 119
Sublist 6 11632 nucleus substantiae griseae epithalami 6/3 on 1.12.2018
Sublist 7 11633 nucleus substantiae griseae tegmenti prerubralis 9/4 on 1.12.2018
Sublist 8 11634 nucleus substantiae griseae pretecti 35/14 on 1.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 14 Found units 7
Subtotals subchildren 262 subunits 108
Proper children 8
Invalid check Found children: 248
Proper units 1
Invalid check Found units: 101
Invalid signature 9413 (stored value 9306)
Date: 31.05.2024